Christian Tech Center Ministries Awarded $10,000 Grant from The Father’s Table Foundation


LONGWOOD, Florida (October 18, 2023) – Christian Tech Center Ministries, a non-profit organization which serves people in need with free tech services and computer equipment, has been awarded a $10,000 funding grant from The Father’s Table Foundation in support of their technology assistance and distribution programs.

“The Board appreciates the importance of your organization and the impact on the many communities that you serve,” said Dan Gilardi, president of The Father’s Table Foundation. “As a way of showing our support, our Board approved a donation of $10,000 to be used for free tech services and community computer distribution.”

Christian Tech Center Ministries has already given away over 600 free computers to disadvantaged households and organically-driven charities since the doors opened in 2022, providing much needed opportunities for economic and academic success.

“With all of the projects they are supporting locally and internationally, we are very grateful that The Father’s Table Foundation chose to sow greatly into our ministry,” said Andre Klass, founder and executive director of Christian Tech Center Ministries. “This funding gives us a much needed boost to accelerate our efforts to bless even more families across Central Florida.”



Media Contact:

Andre Klass, Executive Director